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Stoics, citizens of the world


Por: Dr. Román Gustavo Mendez Navarrete
Especialista en juicios orales y proceso penal acusatorio.



Spanish translation - Traducción al Español

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They were called Stoics, those who, in 301 BC, heard in the portico of the agora of Athens to Zenon of Kition and that centuries later, influence thinkers of the level of Descartes and Kant, being guided by the principles of reason and virtue in a deep respect for the human being.


Thus, from the theory of knowledge and science, the Stoic is conceived as a universal citizen, who does not belong to any group but belongs to all, seeking the virtues of knowledge, art, and beauty, conceptualizing the latter as the maximum splendor of the human being combining the Logic, Physics, and Ethics.


In this era of contempt for knowledge and misunderstood patriotism, who else than online students can emulate the most serious and authentic example of universal citizenship today? Who, surrendering to the knowledge and researching through a screen, could find in their interaction with the intercultural panacea, secondary sources from different countries and in different languages, to adapt them to their psyche and construct?


Just think of a moment: these days, in a normal day at the end of the century XX and the beginning of the XXI, you are reading this digital magazine, all supported by Japanese hardware and American software, on a machine with Asian components, written by an author from Quebec! All while this text being analyzed by students from several states of the Mexican Republic and available, from here, to around the world.


This path in which, after having successfully overcome the battle between globalphilics and globalphobics (more focused on promoting local economies that undermine the life of the international community), today we can find in multidisciplinary and multiculturalism, important mechanisms that open the doors and minds to a better world.


Acting locally is important, but that is as important as thinking globally. In the Universidad Virtual del Estado de Guanajuato, through the efforts of its directors and teachers, we are committed to your professional development in the various areas that make up our educational platform, from undergraduate to graduate programs.


Today, I can say without any fear, that the competencies that are generated studying online, allow you to effectively use the technological tools. Let's keep breaking stones in learning languages: English as the universal language, and then one that corresponds to the country where you have dreamed of.


I hope you succeed in your goals, and welcome, a citizen of the world!

About the author:



Román Gustavo Méndez Navarrete

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Doctor en Ciencias; Abogado y Administrador; Maestro en Educación, Administración,

Criminología y Derecho Parlamentario; Especialista en Juicios Orales, Proceso Penal y

Pedagogía. Poseedor de la Medalla al Mérito Académico por La Salle Bajío. Ponente en

México, Latinoamérica y Asia; promotor de la vinculación con Norteamérica. Con dos

Doctorados Honoris Causa: en Derechos Humanos y Cultura de la Paz. Presidió

el Comité de Participación Ciudadana y el Comité Coordinador del Sistema Anticorrupción de Guanajuato.



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Estoicos, ciudadanos del mundo

Estoicos, les llamaban. A aquellos que en el año 301 antes de Cristo, escuchaban en el pórtico del ágora de Atenas a Zenón de Citio, y que siglos posteriores seguirían influenciando a pensadores de la talla de Descartes y Kant siendo guiados entre otras cosas, por los principios de la razón y la virtud, en un profundo respeto hacia el ser humano.
